The Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) is supporting AWARENET in the network coordination by providing network support services for administrative and organizational services for the current year 2016 based on a contract between Cap-Net UNDP and SPNL.
SPNL aims at protecting nature, birds and biodiversity in Lebanon and to promote sustainable use of resources with people through reviving the concept of Al Hima. As one of the oldest environmental NGOs in Lebanon, established in 1986, SPNL contributes to both raising awareness on environmental issues and concretely protecting natural areas in Lebanon.
SPNL was also the first member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - Regional Office for West Asia (IUCN-ROWA) in Lebanon. AWARENET is working with IUCN-ROWA as part of Water Integrity Capacity Building Programme in the Middle East and North Africa (WI MENA).
Among the many activities SPNL also facilitates the IUCN-ROWA sub-network on water governance as part of the Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management (RKNOW) and implements a specific project on water governance in Lebanon: Restoring Hima Ecosystem functions though promoting sustainable community -based water management systems.