Launch of the World Water Development Report 2020 “Water and Climate Change” in the Arab Region

The World Water Development Report 2020 “Water and Climate Change” will be launched in the Arab region on 17 June 2020 which coincides with the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, which are important challenges in the water-scarce Arab region that are being exacerbated by climate change.

The event will take place through an online webinar conducted by UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science for the Arab States, in coordination with UNESCO Field Offices in the Arab Region and in partnership with the United Nations Social and Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

Arabic is the main language of this Webinar, although some interventions will be presented in English.

You are kindly asked to confirm their participation by registering for the webinar at the following link:

Concept is available below in Arabic and English

WWDR2020-Arab Region-Webinar-Info Note-AR

WWDR2020-Arab Region-Webinar-Info Note-EN

Also, the Executive Summary of the World Water Development Report 2020 “Water and Climate Change”  is atached here:

WWDR 2020-Executive Summary Arabic

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