Conclusion of the RICCAR Webinar Series on Climate Change Analysis using GIS Tools

The Regional Initiative for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Socio-Economic Vulnerability in the Arab Region (RICCAR) Webinar Series on Climate Change Analysis using GIS Tools, that was organized by UN ESCWA, and was offered as one-hour weekly webinars from July 1st till August 12th and consisted of 6 sessions:
  • Module 1:      RICCAR regional climate modelling and hydrological modelling datasets: An introduction
  • Module 2:     Viewing NetCDF regional climate modeling datasets in GIS
  • Module 3:     Extracting tabular data from NetCDF climate files for use in other models and applications
  • Module 4:     Creating a regional climate model ensemble using GIS and extreme events indices
  • Module 5:     Accessing global and regional climate datasets and platforms
  • Module 6:     RICCAR integrated vulnerability assessment methodology
The flyer contains additional information on the sessions that took place. Webinar recordings, associated training materials, and handouts are available on the following link: