October 15 marks the Global Handwashing Day, a global awareness day dedicated to increasing the importance of handwashing with soap.
Handwashing is a simple, effective and economical way to prevent disease and save lives!
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, handwashing has proved to be one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of the virus.
To beat the virus today and ensure better health outcomes beyond the pandemic, handwashing with soap must be a priority now and in the future. This year’s theme, Hand Hygiene for All, calls for all of society to achieve universal hand hygiene.
To raise awareness of this essential gesture, Solidarité-Eau (pS-Eau) invites you to consult the official website available in English, French and Spanish: globalhandwashing.org
You will find useful resources to promote handwashing, mobilize around advocacy actions, or initiate behavioural changes: globalhandwashing.org/resources-main
In particular, check the Planner's Guide for Global Handwashing Day.
If you are looking for awareness materials to use in an animation, we also suggest our online database "Pédag'eau", which includes many tools:
• Posters, visual aid
• Press article
• Audio
• Online courses, MOOC
• Diaporama Powerpoint
• Comics
• Cartoons
• Games
• Phone Applications
• Educational material
• Stories, tales
• Films video
• Notes
• Booklets, pamphlets
• Manuals, Guides, Books
• Reports